Friday, May 05, 2006

Know your Ripes!

Havana calls me once or twice a day while I'm at work. (Mom dials.) Our chats normally consist of her telling me what she's doing at that very moment: "I'm eating cereal, daddy" or "I'm reading a book, daddy."
Yesterday while in the car, she told me that she wanted to buckle herself into her carseat while her mother was wrestling to get the job done. I told her, "tell mom, you have your rights!"
Now its her common refrain, except its her ripes,not her rights. She told me today that I had no ripes and that she had taken them from me.
I'm not yet entirely sure what her notion is of her rights. Its probably somewhat of a fusion between some basic human rights and the concept that you should always get that which you demand.
Unfortunately her Miranda rights have yet to be exercised.

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